Idea for parts lists and sources addition for Airforums
Hello, I am very impressed with the depth of information and help everyone provides in this forum. And I would like to contribute an idea for the future that would help save everyone lots of time. I think a section just for parts and part numbers would be helpful. If it could be set up so there would be one page for each vehicle for a similar production cycle, such as for us our 1989 345 I think is from the 1986-1990 cycle for the chevy p30. The left side of the page would need to have every category such as brakes, engine, axles, plumbing, electrical, frame, generator, heating, accessories, etc. etc. Then after clicking on the category and then the part sub section everyone can add the parts if not listed then fill in the part numbers and sizes to the right, with prices and sources. As there are many different engines and transmissions and other variables, there would have to be allowances for multiple part numbers as many parts by different companies fit the same OEM part number. I think it could be started with just the numbers but then later add on links to the diagrams from the manuals and replacement procedures provided by members.
As most of the MH’s out there are in need of some overhaul or repair, and all need maintenance, I think this would make everyone’s time more efficient and get everyone out on the road much faster and easier!
I probably have over 50 to add if we can get it going.