A number of years ago I was an active member under the user name jt92LandYacht. I took a couple year sabbatical from the forum. When I rejoined I found that I could no longer log in under my original user name. I was forced to create a new user name jt240z. Anyone know if there is any way I can combine both accounts under the original name? I had a lot of history under that name and would like to maintain that history.
You'll need to contact the HelpDesk using the "Contact Us" tab located on the blue command bar located at the bottom of this page. They will contact you and work this out.
"One of the best lessons I've learned is that you don't worry about criticism from people you wouldn't seek advice from."
I never go a response back but was able to log into my original account. Silly me... I was using the wrong name. It wasn't JT92landyacht. It was simply 92landyacht.
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