I intentionally set the thumbnail size @
www.airstreamphotos.com to be compatible with the avatar. The following instructions are only valid if the photos you are uploading are .gif files! If they are .jpg or .jpeg, you will need to wait until someone can post an online conversion tool before you can follow this process.
Follow these steps:
Upload the images you want to use.
2. Next go to your gallery by either using the link from your
Member Control Panel or from the "Photo" button below any post you have made.
3. Right click on the thumbnails you want to use and save them in a folder on your computer. Remember which folder you saved them in so you can upload them in the next step.
4. Go to
GifWorks.com and use "Method 2". Upload the first thumbanil you want to display.
5. Follow the directions to create an animated gif then save the new animated image to your hardrive.
6. From your
Edit Options select "Change Avatar and upload your new animated .gif.
That's it!!!
Somethings to think about. Each image/rotation you add increases the final animated image file size. The larger everyone's Avatar is the slower the page will load. Try and keep your Avatars to less than 5 images or frames for sure! Less if possible...
Please post your feedback on this thread. If you all find any other online tools that are good, post them here also!