Maybe I'm just stupid (that's a whole other post) but when I click on the title of a thread, it displays the Original Post for just an instant, then jumps to the last reply on the last page. I have to manually scroll to the top of the page and select pg.1, then scroll to the top of that page to begin reading. Have tried display mode settings but can't figure out what to change. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
On my screen I see a small orange square with an arrow in it next to the title of each thread. If I click on the orange square I'm taken directly to the first unread post in the thread. However, if I click further over directly on the text of the thread title I'm taken to the first post in the thread.
1994 Excella 25 'Gertie' Follow the build on Gertie!
1999 Suburban LS 2500 w/7.4L V8 'Bert'
1974 GMC 4108a - Custom Coach Land Cruiser 'The Bus' (Sold)
2022 23' Flying Cloud
2018 22' Sport
, Texas
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 813
Also, if a thread has more than one page you can click on the page number and it will jump to that page. If you don't want to scroll back to the top, look on the bottom of the page and hit TOP.
I am using a desktop PC. User CP settings are already set to "linear-oldest first". As I tried all the suggestions from the replies, I discovered that I have been clicking on the thread title in the main "forums" page heading. If I first click on the forum name, an then click the thread title from the individual forum page, it loads correctly. Not sure what it means, but now I see now to avoid it. My own fault for just looking at the main page. Thanks to all for the help.
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