Other Servers
There are other servers you can use to store pictures. One that I like is Photobucket.com. It its a free service where you can upload your images and then it stores Url, Tag and IMG for you to reference. It also lets you resize your upload to 100 x 75 avatar, 160 x 120 thumbnail, 320 x 240 email and 640 x 480 message board defaults. You can create and manage albums to organize your uploads.
I generally store my digital camera photos in Apple Mac's iPhoto on my computer and when I want to post a picture I export it to the size I want to post before uploading to Photobucket.com. If I have pictures not in iPhoto I will edit them in either Preview or Photoshop.
Another service is Tinypic.com. There you upload and get the IMG tag to copy and paste into a message board. In Tinypic.com you are basically uploading to the ether because you cannot manage your albums. You have to grab the IMG tag and use it or you can email it to yourself to store.
2015 Sprinter Class B Camper Van
(Former 1971 vintage Airstream Owner)