How about a tab for restoration products?
Just thinking out loud here, but what if a tab was created on the main forum page (or in the restoration section), or better yet some sort of list, which would include all the various products that are used in the restoration of an Airstream?
There could be some sort of review area, how much to buy to cover a certain trailer, how to apply, how to clean up, potential problems etc...even sources to get the products and reviews of the sources.
It always seems like I'm digging around the forums to find out what people use and what people think about this or that type of sealant or part, and then I have to source it. All of this is totally doable, but one library would really be a great resource.
To keep it fair I would imagine it would be like a wiki page, or moderated at least to keep advertising, or misleading reviews down.
Just throwing the idea against the wall...