Just lately I have posted some text and photos under "Hail!" Why don't they show up when I click on "new posts"?
Also, when I do a post and would liked to add Smiles, I "grab" the one I want and move it to where I want it and let go. The smile goes away and an address is left in it's place.
Check for the thread and your posts on the Portal Page... I think the "New Posts" page has different parameters of what you see listed...if you post on a thread it does not appear in the "New Posts" list for you until a new post by someone else has been made to that thread...
Not sure about the "smilies" issue you're having... It works for me...
New Posts is an alternative to viewing the airforums.com portal page. New Posts displays only posts you haven't read yet. Your posts will display right after you submit, so they will never appear as 'New Posts' for you -- just everybody else who uses this option.
For smilies, I don't drag and drop. With the insert point at the desired spot in the post, just click the desired smily. Okay?
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