Hmmmn well I guess either no one knows or more likely no one cares !
The cut & Paste to notebook is the best solution of the three, but not user friendly and not for me for long.
The prob is that when the forum content page is up, thre are some "columns" that I don't want to highlight prior to cutting or copying.
"Select All" of course is quickest but it captures even more crap that I don't want or need.
Is there a way to highlight "columns" without highlighting the whole line of each?
Of course if the page view was a true "table" I could do that. But the construction of the forum content page altho looking somewhat like a table of columns is apparently some other animal.
ForumAndy says he is planning some tweaks next week. Wish he would make the "Forum Tools" include a "printable version" if that is easily doable with his software.
I really expected to hear from Janet since she is usually Johnny-on-the-spot when anyone challenges anything regards to the workings of the Forums.
Maybe she's out camping..
or musician'
Will we see her on Survivor or American Idol anytime soon?