To update a new photo for the "avatar" which appears at the top left of your posts, below your username and rivet level:
You'll first need a SMALL version of the photo you wish to use. The stated limit is 120x120, or 100kb (whichever is smaller)
I'd recommend using a computer browser rather than a mobile device because of the way the browsers handle files.
Click on "UserCP" then below "Settings and Options" is a link labeled "Edit avatar"
In the "Edit avatar" screen, there are 15 preloaded avatar options, or at the bottom there's a section labeled "Custom Avatar" which should already have the radio button selected since you're using a custom one. There's a button in this section labeled "Choose File." Click that, navigate to your small file and upload it.
— David
Zero Gravitas — 2017 Flying Cloud 26U | WBCCI# 15566
He has all of the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. — Sir Winston Churchill