Can someone walk me through how to attach/upload a photo from my own computer files,so that it shows when I use the "attach" feature in a post?Or is this even possible?
Here you go:
Click Browse
a window opens that says 'choose file' on the title bar
find the folder where your picture is located
you will not see it until you change "files of type" to: All Files (*.*)
select the picture
click open
Now the path of the picture will appear in the attach file line
that part is easy. The harder part is making sure the file you trying to send is not too large.
The max size is 102400 bytes.
Pictures from a digital camera are typically much larger.
You can determine the byte size by right clicking on the picture in question (in the same window that popped open before). Go to properties and look at the size. If it is larger than 102400, you have to load it into a photo program and make the dimensions smaller. Like a 800x600 to a 400x300.
Hope this helps.
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