Yes, Tom, the zip code calculator is on hiatus for the time being. It has been a problem ever since it was rolled out. It had several significant issues that we're hoping may be fixed in the next release of the forums software. We recognize the value of having some mechanism for showing the location of the item for sale. The admin staff is discussing an interim alternative, but I don't believe there's a timeline for implementing it.
havin' to fix my broken Airstreams since 1987...
AIR 2053 Current: 2022 Globetrotter 27FBQ
Airstreams Emeritus: 1953 Flying Cloud, 1957 Overlander, 1961 Bambi, 1970 Safari Special, 1978 Argosy Minuet, 1985 325 Moho, 1994 Limited 34' two-door, 1994 B190, 2004 Interstate T1N, 2020 GT 23 FBQ