I would like to see a link on the main page for personal home pages! I know that you can click on someone’s profile and if they have a home page you can view it there. However, I think it could be very time consuming if you wanted to browse through them all.
If you have a personal home page in your memeber profile you can set it. Then when a member wants to see your page there will be a www button on the bottom of all of your posts.
With 3000+ members having a link to everyones site would be a HUGE page.
Brett G
WBCCI #5501 AIR # 49
1978 Argosy 28 foot Motorhome
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. -- Plato
I think you guys are missing the point I was trying to make!
With the links page you could browse quickly through a list and have all of them listed on one page for a quick reference. Otherwise, you would have to find a particular posting or open their profile. .
OBTW; I've just earned an extra rivet!
I don't think the software automatically culls the links so it would be a huge job for someone to go through the profiles and create links on another page.
Start another thread and ask members to post a short description of what their personal home page contains. Others could then link to it from the www at the bottom of their post.
Just remember that if people change ISPs or the home page address their links will be no good. They will have to remember to update them.
There is a forum that would applicable to do this in Airstream Links. Some folks have already posted links to their favorite sites, butit hasn't really caught on in that vein though. As a matter of fact, I moved this thread to that forum to garner interest.
I didn't remember about the members’ button when I started this thread. It has the web sites listed beside of their names. That is sort of what I wanted to see. I like the idea about a thread for links though; I think I’ll go ahead and start one.
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