There are some fantastic and lively Airstream communities online that communicate through a list server. Here are 2 of the main lists that I have found.
1. AirstreamList - Yahoo! Group (936 members!) - This is the most active list community I have found. Lots of great people actively participate and you can usually get an answer very fast! Email based and with a web interface. Emails can be sent in group mode.
From their website:
The original Airstream discussion list... you don't need to own one to join.
A list for devotees of Airstream and Argosy trailers... and motorhomes....of course, but others are welcome. We have members who have Silver Streaks and Streamlines and Avions.
2. The Vintage Airstream Club Discussion GroupThis is the official list of the Vintage Airstream Club. From what I have seen there are more technical questions and less day-to-day conversational posts than on Yahoo! Group's AirstreamList. Email based with a limited web interface through
Tom Patterson's website. Emails can be sent in group mode.
From their website:
This is an e-mail discussion group primarily for owners and admirers of vintage Airstream trailers. The focus of the list is the restoration and maintenance related to the owning of vintage Airstreams. The discussion centers around the technical aspects, challenges and joys of the restoration process. This list also embraces the concepts behind the Vintage Airstream Club in particular and the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI) in general. This affection leads to topics of upcoming events of interest to the vintage Airstream trailer enthusiast. It is with these ideals in mind that the VAC is proud to offer the enthusiasm and technical advice desired by folks with the same interest.
Do you know of any other good list servers? Want to elaborate on the above lists? Post it here!