Scumbag Brain
Posted 09-08-2023 at 07:43 PM by Bearstream01
Head splitting, heart pounding, lungs hyperventilating, body crushing... Why do I do this to myself? Its not worth it. Stop it. I can do this. I can........ leave for vacation. Wait, what?????
Yeah, I said it. I disgust myself for even thinking like this. There are real problems in the world. Yet, my over-privileged, first world problem, scumbag brain has tricked me into believing that if I leave home, I will die.
It wasnt always quite this bad. I used to be OK until I arrived at the destination. Then Id start frantically searching for the next possible return flights. Needless to say, there came a point I traded in my miles for a yoga mat and closed the card. That was about 5 years ago.
Fast forward to last year. A camper sounded like fun. It might even be therapeutic. We could always bail at a moments notice, heck, we were within driving distance after all. Best of all, "home" was always with us. Wally understood that!
I'll get into how the first few trips went next time. Right now, I have to lie down...
Yeah, I said it. I disgust myself for even thinking like this. There are real problems in the world. Yet, my over-privileged, first world problem, scumbag brain has tricked me into believing that if I leave home, I will die.
It wasnt always quite this bad. I used to be OK until I arrived at the destination. Then Id start frantically searching for the next possible return flights. Needless to say, there came a point I traded in my miles for a yoga mat and closed the card. That was about 5 years ago.
Fast forward to last year. A camper sounded like fun. It might even be therapeutic. We could always bail at a moments notice, heck, we were within driving distance after all. Best of all, "home" was always with us. Wally understood that!
I'll get into how the first few trips went next time. Right now, I have to lie down...
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